
Alastair Moss will be speaking at the City Centre in a panel discussion regarding "The Developing City".


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Alastair Moss will be speaking on Wednesday 26th November at the City Centre in a panel discussion regarding “The Developing City”.

Throughout the City of London’s 2000 year history its built environment has been shaped by constant social, political and economic change. From the turbulence of fire, plague, war and revolution to the boom and bust of modern capitalism upheaval is ingrained in its very fabric.  Comparing and contrasting historic and contemporary architecture this discussion will look at how architects and city planners past and present have reacted to these fluctuations building and re building the city from the ashes. Each speaker will choose to focus on a different key moment in London’s history to review and celebrate the developing City. Alastair will be speaking on rebuilding the City after the Blitz

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