
Collaborative Finance – The Digital Finance Revolution


At a glance

Partner David Walker participated in Grant Thornton’s recent webinar on ‘The Digital Finance Revolution’. He was joined by Rupert Lee-Browne, CEO of Caxton FX and James Codling, Founder and CEO of Venture Founders and the discussion was chaired by Daniel Demir of Grant Thornton.

The topics discussed included:

  • What does the ideal candidate for a mini-bond or crowdfunding look like?
  • What is unique that crowdfunding has to offer?
  • How much can realistically be raised from collaborative finance options?
  • How easy is it to obtain follow-up funding?
  • Why opt to use crowdfunding or mini-bonds, (dealing with many lenders/investors) v one institution?
  • How transparent do business leaders need to be, in terms of use of the funds to tempt investors?
  • How confident are we that collaborative finance will last and not go the way of other failed markets?

To view the webinar in full please click here.

This is the latest in a series of webinars, hosted by Grant Thornton, focusing on Collaborative Finance. David also participated in their mini-bonds webinar.

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