
Market Listing Comparison – Your Guide


At a glance

Many businesses come to us looking for advice about how best to go about a public listing for their business. They often want to know what their options are. Should they list on the Main Market via a premium or standard listing or instead list on AIM, and what each of those listings involves?

Through our years of experience helping companies achieve a successful public listing we can give accurate and impartial advice around the cost, complication and time involved. In addition, we are also able to provide insight into the benefits, eligibility criteria and admission process for each type of listing.

As such, we have created the above table to help people understand, at a glance, the criteria for each market listing. Providing you with an informative checklist to help inform your decision on where best to list your business.

To read more about how best to achieve a Main Market listing go to or to learn more about how Memery Crystal can help your business, go to

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