
Memery Crystal client Flora Mascolo in The Times


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Memery Crystal’s award-winning Dispute Resolution team is advising Flora Mascolo, the widow of Toni & Guy co-founder Guy Mascolo, as the claimant in a high-profile case against her former partner, restaurateur Michael Riemenschneider.

Ms. Mascolo has brought a claim for the recovery of £2.27m that she paid to Mr. Riemenschneider between November 2014 and April 2016 on the basis of Riemenschneider’s fraudulent misrepresentations.

The Memery Crystal team, comprised of Director Jenni Jenkins, Senior Associate Nikola Lowry-Lee and Trainee Solicitors Emily Parker and Suresh Patel, successfully obtained a worldwide freezing injunction against the defendant in July.

The latest court activity focuses on Mr. Riemenschneider’s dissipation of assets and failure to comply with his disclosure obligations in breach of the freezing injunction.

You can read the full article in The Times here.

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