
Don’t let perception and myth get in the way of a good business decision


At a glance

There are many myths and misconceptions about how to list on the Main Market, but the truth is that the barriers and cost to entry are far lower than you think…

Is the Main Market the right option?

In the last two years we have seen a dramatic increase in the number of companies (both new and established) seeking a standard listing on the Main Market, either by ‘stepping-up’ from AIM, or as an alternative to AIM. With growing awareness of the market’s benefits, we believe standard listings are only set to grow in popularity which will be accelerated if, as anticipated, the exemption which allows a company to issue shares without a prospectus is increased from 10-20% of a company’s share capital in any 12-month period.

Is it a costly & timely process?

Managing the cost of listing is often a key concern, but the cost, complication and time involved in achieving a standard listing on the Main Market are far lower than you’d think. A standard listing has a number of financial benefits as companies are not required to retain either a sponsor or nominated adviser, as is the case for both a premium or AIM listing.  In addition, sensible compliance obligations mean lower costs for any company going through the process.

When a company does decide to apply for a standard listing on the Main Market it should ensure that it is aware of the amount of work and time needed. Just to begin the preparatory work required to ensure it is able to satisfy the necessary conditions for listing, each company needs to complete a full due diligence exercise and the preparation of the prospectus and the other ancillary documents (including the accountants’ reports). These all take time, but not as much as other options.

There is a lot to consider

There is a lot of information and advice out there which only adds to the perceived complexity. That’s why we’ve developed a guide that provides you with all you need to know if you’re looking to achieve a standard listing on the Main Market in London.

We have outlined the criteria, cost and timelines. We attempt to put to bed some of the common perceptions and myths around complexity, cost and eligibility. In short, it explains why you should consider a standard listing, why it is eminently achievable and how you go about getting one.

To download the guide and find out more about what we’re thinking go to

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